Lucid family

Dedicated staff at Lucid.

Core Team

Chivas - Founder • Head of operations, strategy & marketing

Welcome007 - Partner • Head of business development • Second in command • Business decision maker & consultant

Boat Joe - Brand Consultant • Head of brand development • Trade consultant

Nessie - Community Lead

Mike - Content Writer

Josh - Web Development

Art Team

HatoETH - Lead Artist

Soha - Trait artist for the main collection

Dane - Illustrator & Animator

Acqua - Supporting Artist & Web Designer • Fashion & product designer


KJ - Head of Collaborations and Partnerships

Sengo - Marketing Manager

Community Team

Dogacan - Admin

Habibi - Admin

Banana - Admin

WayneL - Admin (CN)

Jujujuls - Community staff

Abokcrypt - Community staff

Thesixestone - Community staff

Lazy - Community staff

Boyu - Community staff (CN)

Kui - Community staff (CN)

Last updated